
Project Name: Cairo Metro Line 2

Lender’s Independent Environment, Social and Technical Monitor

Project Description Cairo Metro line 2 has been in operation since 1996, extends from Shubra El Kheima to El Mounib with a total length of 21.5 km including 20 stations. With approximately 1.8 million passengers/day, metro line 2 suffers from obsolescence of systems, lack of modern comfort for passengers, many of the systems and spare parts are now obsolete and no longer available.

The Project’s overall goal is to meet the capacity and passenger demands of the coming years, avoid future spare parts shortages due to obsolescence, Upgrade some of the systems to be modern state of the art, Upgrade and rehabilitation of Depot equipment, Rehabilitation of track and provision of rail grinding equipment.

Client ·        The European Bank f or Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

·        National Authority for Tunnels (NAT)

Timeline October 2023 – September 2028
MENA Rail Role
  • Monitor the Client’s tender evaluation and contract award in compliance with the EBRD’s Procurement Policies & Rules.
  • Review of periodic reports of the supervision engineer.
  • Monitor the Client’s implementation of the contracts.
  • Monitor and confirm the Client’s compliance with the requirement in the Project Financing Documents
  • Monitor the Client’s implementation of mitigation measures included in the Environmental & Social Action Plan (“ESAP”), compliance with the EBRD’s Performance Requirements (PRs), and EU Environmental, Health and Safety (“EHS”) requirements, good industry practice and other requirements of the Project documentation as applicable.
  •  Identify any key problems.

Project Name: Feasibility Study and Concept design for 10th of Ramadan / Robeiky/ Belbeis Railway Link
Project Description The 10th of Ramadan – Robeiky – Belbeis Railway link of 62 km connecting 10th of Ramadan Dry Port to the main railway network and the seaports allowing freight traffic from southern ports towards north of the Nile delta to bypass the Cairo railway node and save time; also providing a railway link between Belbeis and 10th of Ramadan Dry port for commuting traffic.
  • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • Agence Francaise De Developpement (AFD)
  • Egyptian National Railways (ENR)
Timeline August 2022 – Ongoing
MENA Rail Role
  • Prepare concept design, technical and functional specifications for the railway track, signalling and telecommunications systems of the rail link.
  • Prepare technical and economic feasibility assessment for the project.
Project Name: Alexandria Raml Tram Rehabilitation –  

Technical Assistance and Support to Client

Project Description Alexandria has had a tram since 1860, The infrastructure and rolling stock are generally in very poor condition, it is only used by circa 12% of daily commuters. The tram service has become ineffective, and many commuters have stopped using it due to the low quality of service, The total length of the infrastructure is approximately 14.4km.

The Project rehabilitation aims to turn the Raml tram into a modern and efficient tram
line with up-to-date infrastructure, systems and rolling stock and improve the commercial speed.

  •  Agence Française de Developpement (AFD)
  •   National Authority for Tunnels (NAT)
Timeline May 2022 – Ongoing
MENA Rail Role
  •  Support the client in reviewing deliverables from the Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management Consultant (EPCM Consultant) during the Engineering phase.
  • Support the client in Tendering Process during the Tendering stage, including the evaluation of bidders and contracting.
  • Assist the client in the coordination with the Lenders.
  • Assist the client in the process of setting Project Management Unit
    in Alexandria for the project.

·        Assist the client in the launching of the EU grant related to Project,
including assistance for the preparation of terms of reference, request for proposal packages and procurement process for Operation and Maintenance of Raml Tram and Sustainable urban mobility plan.

Project Name: Alexandria Metro – Lender’s Independent Environment, Social and Technical Monitor
Project Description Upgrade and electrification of the existing rail line connecting downtown Alexandria and north-eastern town Abou Qir (“Abou Qir line”) into a high-capacity metro system, designed to be a continuous, electrified railway system with a total length of about 22 km and characterised by a high capacity, high commercial speed, and a high acceleration rate.

The Project aims to enhance the sustainability, safety and improve efficiency of the urban transport system, facilitate a shift from individual to sustainable, accessible and inclusive modes of public transport; and accelerate urban development and economic expansion of Greater Alexandria area.

  • The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • National Authority for Tunnels (NAT)
  •  Egyptian National Railways (ENR)
Timeline March 2023 – Ongoing
MENA Rail Role
  • Monitor the implementation of the project, tender evaluation, and contract awards.
  • Compliance with the covenants of the project financing documents and report the progress to the lenders EBRD
  • Reviewing and monitoring the first stage tender evaluation process and its outcome.

Project Name:  

10th of Ramadan Dry Port

Project Description Establishment of a logistics platform comprising Dry Port under PPP model.

The 10th of Ramadan Dry port is 250 Feddan in size in the southern part of the 10th of Ramadan City located in the Sharqia Governate.

  •  The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • eneral Authority for Land & Dry ports (GALDP)
  • inistry of Finance (PPPCU)
Partner ·       Royal HaskoningDHV
Timeline Aug 2021 – Ongoing
MENA Rail Role
  •  Providing project preparation support to EBRD and GALDP for procuring the project under the PPP model.
  • Support EBRD and GALDP with the preparation of tender documents.
  • Support EBRD and GALDP with the procurement process, evaluation of bids received, award and negotiations until financial closure.

Project Name: Contract Administration & Technical Support for the Supply of Six TALGO Trains
Project Description Egyptian National Railways (ENR) purchase of six new trains (TALGO trains)
  •  European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  •  Egyptian National Railways (ENR)
Partner AECOM
Timeline Oct 2020 – Ongoing
MENA Rail Role
  • Providing technical assistance to the Egyptian National Railways (ENR) for testing, inspection, and acceptance of the trainsets.
  • Supporting ENR in conducting & attending the testing, commissioning, and acceptance of trainsets.
  • Assuring that all types of tests were performed in accordance with the test specifications and providing any observations on findings.
  •  Support ENR on monitoring the physical and financial progress against schedule.

Project Name: Monitoring and Technical Assistance for the Supply of Six trains and two locos for Cairo Metro Line 2 – Advanced Procurement Training
Project Description Procurement of new six trains (Hyundai Rotem) and two shunting locomotives (Socofer) for Cairo Metro Line 2 (supply and maintenance).
  • The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • National Authority for Tunnels (NAT)
Timeline June 2020 – Ongoing
MENA Rail Role
  • Ensuring that the procurement is carried out in line with international practice.
  • Train and rendering assistance to NAT in the preparation of tender documents, including technical specifications, tender implementation and evaluation, and contracting to ensure they are executed in line with the EBRD’s procurement policies and rules.

Project Name: Business Case study for Railway Freight Identification
Project Description Developing a high-level business case for the freight railway line connecting Alexandria port with the 6th of October dry port at Km 66 Giza/ Wahat line. This line aims to improve the overall output of the Alexandria Port Complex (GPA), 6th of October Industrial Zones, and 6th of October Dry Port by increasing the capacity of the railway link to the ports contributing to improvements in safety of both passenger and freight operations on the route.

The alignment for the rail link 300km, includes three broad segments:

  • El Etihad Line: existing 122km single-track line, linking El Qabary and El Etihad stations.
  • El Manashy/Itay Al Baroud Line: existing 120km single-track line, linking El Etihad and El Manashy stations.
  • El Manashy – 6th October link: new planned connection to the dry port.
Client: ·        World Bank

·        Egyptian National Railways (ENR)

Partner BDO – financial advisor
Timeline Mar 2020 – Nov 2020
MENA Rail Role
  • Assist the World Bank to identify and better understand options to deliver the necessary capacity increase between Alexandria ports (Alexandria and El Dekheila) and the Dry Port.
  • Assess viability of the railway freight line between Alexandria Ports and the Dry Port at 6th October.
  • Develop a high-level business case to assess the viability of implementing and operating the rail link.
  • Identify, commercially, the most advantageous delivery option for private sector participation (PSP), for the financing, construction, and operation of the rail link.

Project Name: Feasibility Study and Demand Assessment for the construction of a freight railway line connecting Manashy/Itay Elbaroud line with the logistic port at km 66, Giza/Wahat line.
Project Description Feasibility study for the construction of a freight railway line connecting Manashy/Itay El-Baroud line with the 6th of October Dry port at km 66 Giza/Wahat line.
Client ·        The Egyptian National Railways (ENR)
Timeline July 2020 – March 2021
MENA Rail Role The company conducted feasibility studies for the following:

  •  Marketing feasibility for the construction of the new railway line.
  • Technical feasibility for the construction of the new railway line.
  • Financial and economic feasibility study.
  • Socioenvironmental feasibility study.

Project Name: Procurement Implementation Assistance for the Renewal Programme & Supply of 100 Locomotives
Project Description Egyptian National Railways (ENR) purchases 100 new locomotives under a supply and maintain contract to operate on passenger long distance routes.
Partner AECOM
  • The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • Egyptian National Railways (ENR)
Timeline July 2019 – Ongoing
MENA Rail Role
  •  Assisting ENR to facilitate the timely and effective implementation of the project’s procurement processes by including preparation of technical specifications, all aspects of procurement, contract administration and disbursement.
  • Supporting Egyptian National Railways (ENR) to finalise the scope of the maintenance services.
  • Advise ENR to ensure that contract provisions included in the tender documents reflect the scope for maintenance services adequately.
  • Support the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) in all aspects of project implementation Including preparation of draft contract(s), technical specifications, tender documents, assistance with tendering phase, tender evaluation contract finalization and any complaints, administration, and supervision of the contract implementation (including acceptance of delivery(ies), as well as set up of the disbursement system.
  • Assisting ENR in monitoring the production process(es) of any goods procured in relation to the Project.
Project Name Definition of the Strategy for the Reform of the Railway Sector in Egypt
Project Description Restructuring program aiming at improving railway safety, increasing rail transport competitiveness, and improving the financial situation of the Egyptian National Railways ENR including all major aspects of railway activities. To pilot the reform process, the Government of Egypt GOE established a High Level Working Group HLWG for railway sector reform including representatives of MOIC, MOT, MOF and ENR.
Partner ·        Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Spa

·        Sarie Eldin Legal Advisors

Client: ·        World Bank

·        Egyptian National Railways (ENR)

Timeline Oct 2016 – Oct 2018
MENA Rail Role
  • Assisted ENR to define the strategy (goals, components, costs, roadmap of implementation) for the comprehensive reform of the railway sector.
  • Supported the high-level working group HLWG, provided advice, and supported analysis to allow HLWG to develop and endorse the strategy.
  • Supported the activities of the HLWG for getting agreement on the major principles for the governance of railways.
  • Supported the activities of the HLWG for getting agreement on the major principles for transforming ENR in a commercially oriented railway with modern management structure.
  • Supported the activities of the HLWG for defining and getting agreement on the principles for the restructuring of the financial activities at ENR.
  • Supported the activities of the HLWG in getting agreement on the major aspects for putting in place the new legal and institutional framework for railway safety in Egypt.

Project Name Pre-Feasibility Study for Bus Rapid Transit BRT in 6th of October City and New Cairo City



Project Description NUCA, represented by GOPP, is taking a positive step in establishing a modernized and enhanced system of urban Bus Rapid Transit BRT Project. In both of 6th of October City, west of Cairo, and New Cairo City, east of Cairo.

The Project aim is to improve the quality of the public transport services and set up an appropriate regulatory framework in the cities through the establishment of a new BRT system that is operated by the private sector, creating the necessary BRT road infrastructure, establishment of proper bus depots with maintenance equipment, development of a smart traffic management system along the BRT corridors and introduction of modern and environmentally cleaner buses in the Cities.

  • The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • Ministry of Housing – New Urban Communities Authority (NUCA)
  • General Organization for Physical Planning (GOPP)
Partner Logit, Brazil
Timeline Jan 2015 – July 2015
MENA Rail Role
  • Prepared a pre-feasibility study, defining the poject needs in terms of capital investment (rolling stock and infrastructure), analysis of various technical considerations, basic route analysis, and the preparation of a practical structure for the engagement of the private sector in the operation of the future BRT system.
  • Advised on technical and functional specifications of the new BRT buses.

Project Name: Tender Evaluation for Cairo Metro Line 3 – Phase 3 – Group of works (G1 G6)
Project Description The scope of work for the contractors is split in 6 main groups of works as follows:

  • Group 1: Signalling and driving modes, centralized control and telecommunications.
  • Group 2: Civil works.
  • Group 3: Power supply, electromechanical equipment, rolling stock maintenance facilities including maintenance management system (mms)
  • Group 4: Track works
  •  Group 5: Rolling stock
  • Group 6: Toll equipment
  • Agence Française de Développement  AFD
  • National Authority for Tunnels NAT
Partner Transurb
Timeline Sep 2015 – June 2017
MENA Rail Role
  • Assisted ENR during the bidding process.
  • Assisted ENR in evaluating the offers received from bidders/contractors and with the preparation of the bid assessment reports.
  • Assisted ENR with the negotiations and drafting of contract documentation with the awarded bidders.
  • Submitted to ENR detailed indicative reports with conclusions and recommendations as to the most suitable tenders to be accepted for each of the 6 lots.

Project Name: 6th   of October Dry Port
Project Description Creation of the first dry port in Egypt. Located in the vicinity of the 6th of October City west of Cairo, connected by rail to the Greater Port of Alexandria (GPA) container Hub and adjacent to the future 6th  of October Airport. under a Public Private Partnership scheme (PPP). A site of 400 feddan, divided into 100 feddan for the Project and 300 feddan for a future Value-Added Logistics Centre (VALC).
  • The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • General Authority for Land and Dry Ports (GALDP)
Partner Mazars
Timeline Dec 2015 – Feb. 2021
MENA Rail Role
  • Supported GALDP and provided full range of technical, environmental, health & safety, social, legal, and financial advisory services that allow for the Project to proceed successfully to tendering and financial close as a PPP project.
  • Provided guidance to GALDP in the development of the neighboring logistic/warehousing area.
  • Liaised and coordinated closely with GALDP, the Egyptian Ministry of Transport (MOT), the Egyptian National Railways (ENR), and other relevant administrative bodies dealing with aspects of the project.
Project Name: ENR Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Capacity Building Phases I and II
Project Description The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) developed a project with ENR (Phase I) to support its transformation to become a more efficient operator and to improve the safety and services provided to its users through rolling stock renewal, replacing outdated existing fleet (purchase twelve new locomotives and 60 new carriages to be used on long-distance services). Reinforcing ENR’s transformation plan with a focus on corporate governance.

EBRD Developed phase II for the project to further support ENR through its transformation.

  • The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • Egyptian National Railways (ENR)
Partner Corporate Solution Consulting Ltd.
Timeline Oct 2015 – Dec 2019
MENA Rail Role
  • Assisted ENR with the ESAP implementation and provided support in capacity building to develop and improve the current standards of environmental, health and safety within its operations.
  • Supported ENR to enhance the safety culture for workers and top management.
  • Provided assistance to ENR in developing and implementing a safety system for the twelve trains and associated workshops, maintenance activities, operation and siding at other depots.
  • Supported ENR to pilot the implementation of Environmental Management System (EMS) into the new maintenance depot at El Fars, which was constructed for the new Rolling stock.

Project Name: Feasibility Study of High-Speed Railway HSR Cairo / Luxor with extension to Aswan and Hurghada.


Project Description Feasibility study for the Egyptian railway sector for the construction, operation, space requirements and investment needed for a high-speed line between Cairo and Luxor (Egypt) with a possible extension to Aswan and Hurghada.
Client Ministry of Transport (MOT)
Partner INECO
Timeline Mar 2017 – Nov 2017
MENA Rail Role
  • MENA Rail assisted in providing interpretation of specific aspects of applicable legislation oriented to structuring of public sector contracts, particularly for business plans under “Corporate Finance” or “Project Finance” systems, or settings of different structures of management, investment & finance schemes.
  • Assisted in providing consultations on the legal framework, needed regulations, financial, fiscal and corporate implementation plans for business corporations in Egypt.
  • Assisted in providing counseling and interpretation of specific aspects of applicable legislation of the variables indicated.
  • Assisted in providing economic and financial analysis and definition of the optimal management model to operate.

Project Name: Pre-Feasibility Study for Cairo Western Railway Bypass
Project Description Closely linked to the 6th of October Dry port PPP – Value Added Logistic center project 40 kilometers west of Cairo.

The site is connected by railway to the Great Port of Alexandria (GPA) container hub and adjacent to 6th of October Airport. The Egyptian Authorities, in line with their strategy to transfer a part of container traffic between the GPA and Cairo from road to railway considered the construction of the Western Cairo Bypass, between Al Manashi– 6th of October.

The project aims to contribute to the development of the railway sector, having a multiplier impact on the entire logistics and transport sector and contributing to the economic growth of the country.

  • The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • Egyptian National Railway (ENR)
  • Mazars
  • Sarie El – Din
Timeline Oct 2016 – Mar 2017
MENA Rail/

Consortium Role

  • Reviewed and updated the existing Cairo Western Railway Bypass pre-feasibility study, applying the best practices and lessons learnt internationally.
  • Collected the available technical data about El Etihad Railway link and El Waha Railway link, drew the main issues and technical constrains to build the bypass link.
  • Reviewed the impact of the project on ENRs existing network and freight/passenger services.
  • Developed the initial project business case.
  • Reviewed the available legal options for the project implementation.
  • Prepared detailed recommendations to the Egyptian Authorities about the best approaches to undertake the project.

Project Name: Migration to ETCS Level 1 on board and track side of Alexandria/ Cairo/ Asyut Main Corridor – Preliminary design
Project Description Design the most cost-effective migration strategy from the current ENR ATC system to the international standard ETCS Level 1 on board and trackside on the Alexandria – Cairo – Asyut main corridors.
  • International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
  • Egyptian National Railway (ENR)
Timeline May 2016 – Ongoing
MENA Rail Role
  • Prepared & designed the migration strategy for the most cost- migration to move from the current ENR ATC system to the international standard ETCS Level1 on board and trackside for the project main corridor.
  • Supervising and the realization of the project.
  • Assured coherence with the signalling modernization projects in progress on the main ENR corridors
  • Prepared a preliminary evaluation of costs for the migration to ETCS Level 1
  • Prepared functional specifications, and preliminary design for the migration to ETCS Level 1
  • Prepared the documents for the prequalification of bidders and assisted in the evaluation of prequalification requests
  • Provided assistance during the bidding procedure.

Project Name: Establishing a Computerized Maintenance System (CMS) for El Nasr Green Garage
Project Description Developing and modernizing the management of an existing garage, to be a pilot environmentally friendly garage (GREEN GARAGE).

The project’s aim is to improve the maintenance of buses operated by Cairo Transit Authority (CTA), through the development of an efficient and integrated, Environmental Management and Computerized Maintenance Systems.

  • Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
  • Cairo Transport Authority (CTA)
  • Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA)
Timeline Sep 2015 – July 2017
MENA Rail Role
  • MENA Rail Collected information to establish a computer database on existing assets and consumables management, and CTA’s maintenance operations.
  • Assisted CTA with improving the spare parts management.
  • Assisted CTA in establishing a procedure for regular inspection of vehicles and equipment to improve preventive maintenance procedure.
  • Assisted CTA in providing operation/maintenance policies based on international best practices to help maintenance workers carry out their jobs more effectively.
  • Proposed performance indicators to help CTA management make informed decisions on purchases and maintenance needs.
  • Produced status reports, data and documents giving details and summaries of maintenance activities and indicators, for regular management to verify regulatory compliance.
  • Provided training for management and personnel in using the relevant software.

Project Name: Integrated Corridor Management Study – Mostafa El Nahas Corridor – Cairo
Project Description Cairo Government introduced segregated bus lanes to help with congestion in Nasr City benefiting from the right of way of the non-functioning Heliopolis Tram route, which runs along Mustafa El Nahas Street extending Mahdi Arafa street of total Length of 6.4 km with extension to Ahmed El Zomor, Al Tayaran and Yossef Abbas Streets till the intersection with Nasr Road ( A total length of 17 kms)

The objective of the project is to improve the mobility and safety of road users.

  • World Bank
  • Cairo Governorate
  • CTA
Timeline March 2015 – August 2015
MENA Rail Role
  • Prepared preliminary design to address the current challenges facing the operation of the existing bus lanes, introduce bus segregation/ priority on the other sections of the corridor.
  • Addressed the traffic management and road safety aspects of all road users along the corridor.

Project Name: Pre-Feasibility Study for Nile River Bus Ferry Project- PPP
Project Description The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development supported the preparation and financing of a modernized and enhanced Nile River transport system using the best tools and methods in this field, to improve urban transport in Cairo using PPP structures.

The Project involved the purchase, funding, and operation of river transport fleet. The total length of the ten lines is approximately 35 km, 22 km are for one touristic route, and the remaining 9 lines total approximately 13 km.

The objective of the project is to improve the provision of river bus services and to expand the scope of river transport on the Nile to residents of greater Cairo.

  • The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • Ministry of Finance (MOF) – PPP Unit
  • Cairo Transport Authority (CTA)
Partner WSP Group
Timeline May 2013 – Aug 2013
MENA Rail Role
  • Prepared a pre-feasibility study to scope a potential ‘bankable project’ and present findings for further consideration by all stakeholders.
  • Provided EBRD with a solid base of information on the viability of the project.
  • Assisted EBRD to make decision to move forward to a full feasibility study and further to tender preparation as a PPP.

Project Name: Technical Due Diligence and Project Definition for CTA Bus Investment
Project Description Institutional strengthening for improved urban transport planning and public transport service delivery, modernize and enhance the system of urban bus operations in Cairo. Replacing some of the existing outdated CTA bus fleet with new buses that would be more fuel efficient and less polluting.
  • The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • Cairo Transport Authority (CTA)
Partner WSP Group
Timeline Feb 2013 – April 2013
MENA Rail Role
  • MENA Rail provided the CTA, the Governorate, EBRD and the World Bank with a solid conceptual base for implementing the Model Bus Garage project.
  • Assisted the client to make decision regarding the nature of bus fleet to be procured.
  • Assisted CTA in establishment of capacity building of the Transport Regulatory Authority for Greater Cairo.
  • Assisted CTA in enhancing the supply and quality of public transport to reduce congestion on the other transport modes.

Project Name: Technical Support for the Supply and Installation of Simulator for Cairo Metro Line1
Project Description Supply, install and operate a complete system of driving simulator system for training the drivers with the complete commitment to the technical specifications and terms stated in the tender documents, for Cairo Metro Line 1 which extends from Helwan to New El Marg with length of 42.598 km and 35 stations.
Client The Egyptian Company for Metro (ECM)
Partner Transurb (TTR)
Timeline May 2012 – Dec 2018
MENA Rail Role
  • Provided complete and active assistance to the client and the partner.
  • Provided local project management.

Project Name: Study of the Commercialization of Ramses & Sidi Gaber Stations
Project Description Management, operation and maintenance of the commercial malls in Metropolitan Stations excluding the activities directly related to the operation of trains.
Client Egyptian National Railway (ENR)
Timeline April 2012 – May 2012
MENA Rail Role
  • Assisted the client in evaluating of the technical and financial proposal presented by bidders.

Project Name: Shah Habschan Ruwais Railway Transport – Stage Zero
Project Description Developing the freight and passenger railway network within the United Arab Emirates which will be a part of the proposed Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) railway network linking the six countries of the GCC – namely the State of Kuwait, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the State of Qatar, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and the Sultanate of Oman.

The railway alignment provides a full line speed of 200km/h for passenger and 120km/h for freight with long straights and large radii curve.

Client Emirates Link Group, United Arab Emirates
Partner Harsco and HOCHTIEF, Germany
Timeline Sep 2011 – Dec 2011
MENA Rail Role
  • Transport advisor in cooperation with Harsco & HOCHTIEF consortium

Project Name: Preliminary Design for Upgrading and Extension of Heliopolis Tram from Stadium in Heliopolis to American University in New Cairo City
Project Description Preliminary engineering design and preparation of bidding documents for upgrading of Heliopolis tramway system and extending it to serve New Cairo with total length of 29 km.
  • World Bank WB
  • Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities
  • General Organization for Physical Planning (GOPP)
Partner HTM Transport Consultant, Netherlands
Timeline Feb 2011 – Sep 2014
MENA Rail / Consortium Role Prepared Engineering design for the LRT project including the following:

  • Defined the status of Heliopolis Tram, goals, stakeholders, and the focus of the project.
  • Assessed the principal system design options and recommended a preferred option.
  • Designed the track alignment, energy supply &tram stations.
  • Provided preliminary design of the maintenance depot.
  • Prepared preliminary design for the rolling stock.
  • Prepared preliminary design of the supporting systems (ticketing, signalling, communications, and traffic control system and safety devices).
  • Prepared preliminary cost estimate for tram rolling stock and supporting Systems.
  • Prepared Preliminary Design of Intersections Requiring Special Treatment and cost estimates for those intersections.
  • Proposed improvements for the Associated Street and Traffic Management
  • Prepared cost estimates (capital cost, maintenance, and operations)
  • Estimated the annual operations and maintenance cost, expected revenues, and subsidy required for the system improvement.
  • Prepared bidding documents.

Project Name: Renewing Ibrahim El Lakkany level Crossing
Project Description Consultancy Services for renewing Ibrahim El Lakany level crossing using Embedded Rail System
Client Tecnico Contracting & Trade
Partner Edilon Sedra
Timeline 2008 – 2009
MENA Rail Role
  • Prepared Project design
  • Provided Project management and monitoring
Project Name: Modern Light Rail pilot project in Alexandria
Project Description Executing a pilot project on Ramleh line in Alexandria Including renewing 800 m CWT ballasted track, Introducing Embedded Rail system in 2 level crossings (Ibrahim Mosque and Hassan Rasem) for the first time in Egypt, and constructing 2 manual control switches.
Client Alexandria Passenger Transport Authority (APTA)
Partner HTM Transport Consultant, Netherlands
Timeline 2001 – 2003
MENA Rail / Consortium Role
  • Introduced modern Dutch rail infrastructure technology in Alexandria by upgrading a part of the Ramleh Line by executing a pilot project.
  • Introduced traffic management in Alexandria for the pilot project.
  • Assisted in producing documents to establish a joint operating company to execute the modernization and extension of the Alexandria Light rail system, and to operate and maintain the new system.
  • Provided training in the field of project management and computerized engineering of rail- infrastructure.

Project Name: Preliminary Upgrading Study for the Ramleh Line
Project Description Upgrade and modernize the tram network in Alexandria including (Ramleh – Madina) including the overhead, workshops, electric station and rolling stock. Upgrade all components technically and modernize them according to the latest technological ways in permanent ways. Ensuring the increase of speed, safety and decreasing trip time.
Client Alexandria Passenger Transport Authority (APTA)
Partner HTM Transport Consultant, Netherlands
Timeline Mar 2001 – Sep 2001
MENA Rail / Consortium Role
  • Conducted a feasibility study of upgrading the operation, infrastructure, and priority on crossings.

Project Name: Ain Shams / 10th of Ramadan Light Rail Transit Line
Project Description Form a PPP joint venture company to finance, design, construct, operate and maintain the Light Rail Transit Line connecting Ein Shams and the 10th of Ramadan City passing through El Salam City.
Client Egyptian National Railways (ENR)
Partner HTM Transport Consultant, Netherlands
Timeline Sep 2000 – Mar 2001
MENA Rail / Consortium Role
  • Conducted a feasibility study for the Light Rail Transit line Ain Shams – 10th of Ramadan.
  • Assisted the legal and financial consultants in preparing their financial model and changes in laws needed to facilitate investment by the private sector in the project.
  • Conducted a business plan (including an investment plan) and a financial model for the project.
Project Name: Borg El Arab Railway Line – Alexandria
Project Description Form a PPP joint venture company to design, construct, operate and maintain Alexandria – Borg El Arab railway line.
Client Egyptian National Railways (ENR)
Partner HTM Transport Consultant, Netherlands
Timeline Sep 2000 – Mar 2001
MENA Rail / Consortium Role
  • Conducted a feasibility study for the railway line Alexandria – Borg El Arab.
  • Assisted the legal and financial consultants in preparing their financial model and changes in laws needed to facilitate investment by the private sector in the project.

Project Name: Design, Procurement and Construction Supervision for Execution of Track Renewal Operation for 200 Km Track Cairo/ Aswan Line
Project Description The Egyptian National Railways (ENR) manged a modernization plan including a rail track improvement program. The first operation launched in 2008 was a 200 km complete track renewal for Cairo/ Aswan line.
  • Egyptian National Railway
  • World Bank
MENA Rail / Consortium Role 2008 – 2010 MENA Rail in partnership with Transurb (Belgium) –  Design

  • Assisted the client in the preparation of bidding documents for the works contract for the execution of the track renewal operation.
  • Assisted in the preparation of a pre-qualification document and assistance to Egyptian National Railway (ENR) in the process of pre-qualification of bidders.

July 2009- March 2011   MENA Rail  in partnership with Transurb (Belgium) –  Procurement

  • Provided assistance to ENR for the preparation and negotiation of the track renewal project.
  • Provided assistance to ENR in the process of prequalification of bidders.
  • Provided assistance to ENR in the preparation of a bidders’ conference and in clarification of the bidding documents.
  • Provided assistance to ENR in the evaluation of the bids and contract award and finalization.

April 2011 – July 2014   MENA Rail in partnership with DB International (Germany)- Construction Supervision

  • Provided the client with the local support and logistics advisory.
  • Assured safety of works, and deviations from drawings.
  • Assured that standards and timelines are respected.
  • Provided quality control and acceptance of working equipment and machinery.
  • Provided supervision during work.
  • Provided quality control on site.

Project Name: Due diligence & Detailed Design Review for Cairo Metro Line 1 Modernisation – Phase 1
Project Description Line 1 is considered the backbone of the Greater Cairo metro network. It comprises of a total of 44 kilometres and 35 stations, interconnects with the existing lines 2 and 3 of the metro system at three stations (Sadat, Attaba and Al Shodadaa).

Line 1 upgrading project is intended to increase the line to full design capacity, by reduction of headway from current 4-5 minutes to 2 mins & 30 seconds.

  • The European Bank f or Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • National Authority for Tunnels (NAT)
Partner ·        DB (Deutche Bahn) – International (Germany)
Timeline Sep 2017 – Mar 2018
MENA Rail / Consortium Role
  • Prepared a comprehensive due diligence of the proposed investment and procurement strategy, including completion of design gaps as needed.
  • Prepared an economic and financial appraisal of the project according to a recognized international standard.
  • Reviewed the basic business case for the project, including cost estimates, review of completeness of existing design and implementation during live operation of the metro line.
  • Prepared an EIRR of the project, based on an acceptable international methodological standard.
  • Reviewed design and tender documents to ensure compatibility with relevant design standards and operational requirements; identify any possible needed additionalities for project design and/or works contract scoping.
  • Performed an economic and financial assessment (IRR) for the project, including the definition of a ‘do nothing’ scenario and appropriate ‘do something’ scenarios.
  • Developed a draft E&S Assessment report in accordance with the Bank’s requirements as defined in the ESP, including a compliance summary table with the bank’s PRs.
  • Prepared a draft stakeholder engagement plan (SEP), draft environmental and social action Plan (ESAP) and draft non-technical summary (NTS)