- The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
- National Authority for Tunnels (NAT)
- Egyptian National Railways (ENR)
Project Description
Upgrade and electrification of the existing rail line connecting downtown Alexandria and north-eastern town Abou Qir (“Abou Qir line”) into a high-capacity metro system, designed to be a continuous, electrified railway system with a total length of about 22 km and characterised by a high capacity, high commercial speed, and a high acceleration rate.
The Project aims to enhance the sustainability, safety and improve efficiency of the urban transport system, facilitate a shift from individual to sustainable, accessible and inclusive modes of public transport; and accelerate urban development and economic expansion of Greater Alexandria area.
March 2023 – Ongoing
MENA Rail Role
- Monitor the implementation of the project, tender evaluation, and contract awards.
- Review and monitor the procurement process and its outcome.
- Monitor the implementation of the contracts.
- Monitor and report the project progress.
- Monitor the implementation of mitigation measures included in the Environmental & Social Action Plan (“ESAP”), incompliance with the EBRD’s Performance Requirements (PRs), and EU Environmental, Health and Safety (“EHS”) requirements.