ENR 10th Ramadan Railway Link – Feasibility Study
Client: EBRD/ ENR
- MARKET ANALYSIS AND DEMAND FORECAST demand analysis for freight and passenger demand in the corridor, with respect to both rail and competing transport modes
- Concept design for track & signaling works
- FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC ANALYSES Financial and economic analyses of the Project, taking into account its two Phases, i.e. Link 1 and Link 2. Both analyses shall be prepared for each of Link 1 and Link 2 separately, and for the combined Project.
i. Implementation plan
ii. Investment program - RISK MATRIX
Risk Matrix for all aspects of the Project, including design and construction risks; various types of financial risk; procurement and implementation risk; operational risk; climate risk; regulatory - GREEN ECONOMY TRANSITION (GET)
i. GET assessment: Climate Change mitigation GET arising from modal shift from modal-shift from higher-carbon modes for each of Link 1 and Link 2.
ii. PA alignment: Ensuring the infrastructure financed by the Project, under each of Link 1 and Link 2, is resilient to material physical climate risks.
10 Ramadan Dry Port PPP - Technical, Environmental and Social Consultant - Due Diligence
- Phase 1 – Transaction structuring
Phase 2 – Transaction implementation and procurement
– Project management support.
– Support with on-the-ground management of the engagement such as helping with coordination and management of the Consultant Group , the Client and any other relevant stakeholders
– Provide on-the-ground support to the GALDP, PPPCU and other relevant stakeholders of the government with the preparation of the Project during Phase 2
– Attending meetings with the GALPD, PPPCU and other relevant stakeholders of the government pertaining to the Project during Phase 2 - Railway Review
– Based on the review of the Rail Documents, list the gaps in existing studies that need to be addressed before the rail line to the 10th of Ramadan Dry Port can progress to procurement.
– Provide best estimate of the rail line’s development timeline and compare it with the envisaged development timeline of the Project. - Environmental and Social
– Ensure that the technical studies consider E&S matters, standards and Lender’s requirements.
– Categorise the Project in terms of EBRD’s E&S Policy (Category A or B).
– Define Project associated facilities in line with EBRD PR1.
– Identify scopes of work to conduct an appropriate ESIA if the Project is categorised A or E&S Assessment if categorised B.
– Develop a stakeholder engagement framework (SEF) in line with EBRD Performance Requirement 10 for the Project.
– Prepare a risk register for the Project capturing the key technical and E&S risks and issues of the Project
Consultancy Contract Extension/Contract Administration for The Supply of Six Trains
Client: EBRD/ Egyptian National Railways
- Provide technical assistance to the Company regarding the testing, inspection and acceptance of the trainsets
- Witness the testing, commissioning and acceptance of all six trainsets. The Consultant shall be required to countersign the certificates of witnessed tests to indicate that the tests were performed in accordance with the test specifications.
- Review the test reports of all type tests carried out on the trainsets after delivery, to confirm that they were performed in accordance with the test specifications and provide observations regarding any findings.
- Assist the Company to assess any proposed change orders and/or contract amendments and obtain the Bank’s ‘no objection’, as appropriate
- Provide Expert advice on all aspects of the work undertaken, especially regarding project supervision, measurements, contract monitoring and quality control
- Support the company on monitoring the physical and financial progress against schedule, based on progress reports from the supplier
Feasibility study for Freight Railway line connecting Manashy/ Itay Elbaroud line with the logistic port of km 66, Giza/ Wahat line
Client: Egyptian National Railways
- Marketing feasibility for the construction of the new railway line:
– Determining the economic and social importance for the construction of the proposed railway line
– Estimating the transportation demand volume for a period of 25 years
– Estimating the tariff (freight) and the changes in its price to achieve the financial equilibrium of the project within 25 years
– Estimating the revenue of the proposed line for the period of 25 years.
– Estimate the tariffs of the proposed lineTechnical feasibility study for the construction of the new railway line:
– Estimate the elements of the investment cost in light of the proposed line and study thenature of the land of this region
– Estimate the project’s needs of fixed assetsEnvironmental and Social feasibility study:
– Preparing an integrated study on the current environment surrounding the route of the proposed line
– Clarify to what extent the current environment and the proposed line are compatible.
– Analyzing the environmental hazards resulting from the line construction
– Analyzing the environmental developments occurring as a result of the line construction
– Preparing an integrated study on the residential and industrial clusters located near the proposed line
Egypt – Cairo Metro - Advanced Procurement Training and Support- Monitoring and Assistance in the Contract Management
Client: EBRD/ ENR
- Provide technical assistance in monitoring and assistance in the contract management, during the contract execution inspection and commissioning and warranty till final take over (FTO) of 6 metro trains and 2 locomotives by:
– Following up & monitoring for the project progress against the schedule.
– Providing advise to NAT on any contractual matters, proposed change orders or contract amendments or any claims made by the supplier.
– Providing technical assistance to witness some of the Factory Acceptance tests for the trainsets and locomotives in Korea and France respectively.
– Upon delivery of the two locomotives and the first two trainsets to Egypt MENA Rail will provide technical assistance to witness the T&C for the 2 locos to ensure the agreed Testing and Commissioning processes are being followed by the suppliers. Assist the Company to assess any proposed change orders and/or contract amendments and obtain the Bank’s ‘no objection’, as appropriate
Railway Freight Identification Study
Client: WB/ ENR
- Review current infrastructure, capacity for Alexandria 6th of October rail line
- Confirm infrastructure elements required to meet the forecasted demand for services.
- Identify the options to deliver the necessary capacity increase between Alexandria and the proposed dry port in 6th of October
- Advise whether the line (Alex 6th of October) will be Complete green field line or mixed(Brown/Green).
- Develop a High-level Business Case to assess the viability of implementing the proposed Dedicated freight rail link.
- Identify, commercially, the most advantageous delivery option for investment, for the financing, construction and operation of the rail link
Locomotive Renewal Program (Procurement Implementation Assistance)
Client: EBRD/ ENR
- Preparation of procurement documentation
- Support during the stage 1 & 2 tendering and evaluation process
- Technical specifications for the vehicles to be purchased
- Provisions and template long term maintenance contract to be included within the tender documentation package for bidders
- Support the client during the procurement process
- Support during evaluation of tenders, and announcement of winner bidder
- Support during contract negotiations & finalization
- Administration of the contracts
- Review of contractor’s applications for change orders
- Progress and cost monitoring
- Production Inspections
- Assisting PIU processing Interim payment certificates
Cairo Metro Line 1 Modernization
Client: EBRD/ NAT
- Prepare a comprehensive due diligence of the proposed investment and procurement strategy, including completion of design gaps as needed
- Prepare an economic and financial appraisal of the project according to a recognized international standards
- Review the basic business case for the project, including cost estimates, review of completeness of existing design and implementation during live operation of the metro line
- Prepare an EIRR of the project, based on an acceptable international methodological standard
- Review design and tender documents to ensure compatibility with relevant design standards and operational requirements; identify any possible needed additionalities for project design and/or works contract scoping
- Perform an economic and financial assessment (IRR) for the project, including the definition of a ‘do nothing’ scenario and appropriate ‘do something’ scenarios
- Develop a draft E&S Assessment report in accordance with the Bank’s requirements as defined in the ESP, including a compliance summary table with the bank’s PRs
- Prepare a draft stakeholder engagement plan (SEP), draft environmental and social action Plan (ESAP) and draft non technical summary (NTS)
Consultancy services for advisory services definition of the Strategy for the Reform of the Railway Sector in Egypt
Client: WB/ ENR
- Short analysis of the current status of the operational and financial performance of ENR and identification of main directions of railways reform
- Identification of the main directions of improvement of the legal and regulatory framework for railways to enhance the railway operational and financial performance
- Improvement of the governance of the railway sector
- Improvement of the incorporate governance
- Principles for a new financial framework for the ENR
- Principles for implementing systemic safety approach for the railway sector.
- Elaboration of the Terms of Reference for the targeted studies for railway reform in Egypt
Cairo Western Railway Bypass Pre Feasibility Study
Client: EBRD
- Review the technical information available from ENR, the MoT and the GALDP and assess the Project technical feasibility and define as much as possible the envisaged specifics of the project up to date.
- Make the best estimation of the Project CAPEX, OPEX, maintenance costs (2015 values) and construction duration.
- Assess the capacity of the new line as well as the indicative traffic that may be diverted on this new line (by developing a simple route choice model). Consultant (D) Review the impact of the Project on ENR existing network and services freight/passenger).
- Prepare a document, to be validated by the Client in consultation with the EBRD and GIF, gathering all technical hypotheses and proposing the economical/financial assumptions necessary to establish the Project business case.
Establishing a Computerized Maintenance System for El Nasr Green Garage
Client: CTA/ EEAA
- Collecting information to establish a computer database about existing assets and consumables management, and CTA’s maintenance operations
- Improving the spare parts management
- Establishing a procedure for regular checking for vehicles and equipment in order to improve preventive maintenance
- Providing operation/maintenance rules based on international best practices to help maintenance workers carrying out their jobs more effectively
- Proposing performance indicators to help CTA management to make informed decisions.
- Producing status reports, data and documents giving details of maintenance activities and indicators, and to verify regulatory compliance
- Provide training for garage, personnel and medium top management in using the relevant software
Migration to ETCS lev.1 - on board and track side - on the Alexandria-Cairo-Asyut main corridor
Client: IBRD/ ENR
- Preparation of general functional/technical specifications applicable to all operations for the most cost effective migration of the current ATC system to ETCS level 1.
- Preparation of all changes needed in the ENR operational rule book in order to deal with the current ATC systems and ETCS level 1.
- Packaging and allotment of ETCS level 1 on board and track side migration in a unique integrated bid and with a unique winner.
- Preparation of detailed functional/technical specifications for the on board and track side migration
- Preparation of bidding documents
- Participation and assistance to ENR during the bidding procedure
- Supervising the work related to the on board and track side migration
- Training courses for ENR Staff about ETCS level 1.
- Supervising the pilot section which will be identified with ENR to test the chosen solution before proceeding to full implementation.
Client: Egyptian Ministry of Transport
- Follow up and monitoring the project
- Arrange meetings and give support during the meetings with the relevant local entities
- Gathering required information.
- Provide support with local related issues.
Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility (IPPF): Egypt - Dry Port Project.
- Representing consortium members.
- Managing the project team to achieve all project objectives and applying EBRD rules.
- The interface with the GALDP, the EBRD/IPPF as well as all other relevant parties for the Project.
- Will also be responsible for overall delivery for project preparation, managing all processes and inputs necessary to reach successfully all milestones along the Project cycle, until successful commercial and financial close.
Egyptian National Railways, Environmental, Health and Safety(EHS) Capacity Building
Client: EBRD/ ENR
- Facilitate coordination between company and relevant government Advise on procurement strategy in the light of the beneficiary requirements.
- Assist with establishing appropriate qualification criteria.
- Advise the client and prepare technical specifications.
- Assist to prepare tender documents, clarifications/explanations and other relevant information to facilitate preparation of the tender documents.
- Assist with preparation of full maintenance contract, including both technical and commercial requirements.
- Assist with clarifications and amendments to the tender documents, during tendering process.
- Assist during tenders opening session and draft the tender opening minutes
- Assist with the evaluation of tenders and prepare evaluation report
- Assist with notification of contract award and notices to unsuccessful tenderers.
- Support NAT in resolving complaints, if any
- Assist with the evaluation of tenders and prepare evaluation report
Greater Cairo Metro Line 2 Cairo Metro Advanced Procurement Training and Support for 13 train procurement + 2 Additional Locomotives + Inclusion Contract
Client: EBRD/ ENR
- Advise on procurement strategy in the light of the beneficiary requirements.
- Assist with establishing appropriate qualification criteria.
- Advise the client and prepare technical specifications.
- Assist to prepare tender documents, clarifications/explanations and other relevant information to facilitate preparation of the tender documents.
- Assist with preparation of full maintenance contract, including both technical and commercial requirements.
- Assist with clarifications and amendments to the tender documents, during tendering process.
- Assist during tenders opening session and draft the tender opening minutes.
- Assist with the evaluation of tenders and prepare evaluation report.
- Assist with notification of contract award and notices to unsuccessful tenderers.
- Support NAT in resolving complaints, if any.
- Support the client in contract finalization.
- Drafting contract addendum No 1 for the onboard Equipment;
- Drafting Inclusion contract;
- Monitoring & assistant in the contract management, during the contract execution inspection and
- commissioning and warranty until final take over (FTO) of six metro trains and two locomotives.
- General Contra t And Administration
- Testing (FAT)
- Testing and Commissioning for 2 Locomotives
- Testing and Commissioning for 6 Trainsets
Greater Cairo Metro Line 3 Phase 3 Consultancy Services for tender Evaluation for Group of works (G1 G6)
Client: AFD/National Authority for Tunnels
- Assist the Organization during the bidding process, especially in the evaluation of the offers received from the contractors
- Assist in evaluating the above mentioned received bids
- Assist with preparation of the bid assessment reports
- Assist with the negotiations and drafting of contract documentation with the awarded Bidders.
- Propose clarification questions to be asked to the bidders
- Submit to the Organization detailed indicative reports with conclusions and recommendations as to the most suitable tenders to be accepted for each of the 6 lots
- Assist the Organization in making its final decision
6th of October City Bus Rapid Transit - Pre-Feasibility Study
Client: EBRD/ NUCA
- Review of existing studies and project related information
- Identification and evaluation of potential corridors for a BRT network
- Evaluation and selection of type of BRT solution
- Selection of Pilot BRT Corridor
- Initial Assessment of Demand Forecast
- Organization set up of the proposed BRT Company
- Advise on technical and functional specifications of the new BRT buses
New Cairo City BRT: Pre-Feasibility Study
Client: EBRD/ NUCA
- prepare a pre-Feasibility
Study for the Project (the “Assignment”). The overall objectives are the Assignment are to:
(i) conduct a route and corridor analysis and determining a ridership demand forecast within tolerable levels acceptable for a Pre-Feasibility Study;
(ii) scope the likely costs of a high-quality BRT operation capable of meeting forecast demands in the City; (iii) analyze project barriers and risks, such as construction risk for the BRT road infrastructure, as well as
operational risks associated with the introduction of a new mode within the context of the existing bus
(iv) suggest a preliminary Project structure encompassing all major investment elements (whether private or public); and
(v) Define further studies and implementation arrangements required to prepare the project and meet the requirements of the financiers to mobilize investment funds. This should take into account an evaluation of environmental and social soundness of the Project, and ensure that the envisaged structure is based on a balanced contractual framework that includes private sector operation. - Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment: Activity 1 – Review of existing studies and project related information
Activity 2 – Identification and evaluation of potential corridors for a BRT network
Activity 3 – Evaluation and selection of type of BRT solution
Activity 4 – Selection of Pilot BRT Corridor
Activity 5 – Initial Assessment of Demand Forecast
Activity 6 – Organization set up of the proposed BRT Company
Activity 7 – Advise on technical and functional specifications of the new BRT buses
Integrated Corridor Management Study - Mostafa El Nahas Corridor
Client: WB/ Cairo Governorate/ CTA
- In response to congestion in the Nasr City area and benefiting from the right of way of the non-functional, Nasr City Branch of the Heliopolis Tram, the Governorate of Cairo has introduced bus segregated lanes in the portion of Nasr City Branch that runs along Mustafa El Nahas street and extending it to Mahdi Arafa (total 6.4km).
- In order to improve the situation and to benefit from international experience in this field, the Governor of Cairo has requested the World Bank to provide assistance that will develop a comprehensive plan for this section. During discussions with the World Bank, it was agreed to extend the coverage to Ahmed El Zomor, and to the portions of El Tayaran and Youssef Abbas till Nasr Road.
The objective of this assignment is:
- Develop a comprehensive plan to Preliminary Design standard to improve the mobility and safety of all road users (with a focus on bus users and pedestrians)in Mostafa El Nahas Corridor.
- The Preliminary Design should address the current challenges facing the operation of the existing bus lanes, introduce bus segregation/priority on other sections of the corridor and address the traffic management and road safety aspects of all road users along the Corridors.
Activities Performed by Menarail:
- Task 1: Inception Report
- Task 2: Compile and Collect the Baseline Data for the Mustapha El Nahas Corridor.
- Task 3: Diagnostic Analysis of Current Situation for the Corridor.
- Task 4: Development of Comprehensive Package of Measures.
New Supplying, Installing and Putting into Service Driver’s Simulator for Line 1
Client: ECM
- Collect any technical and administrative local information needed for the preparation of the proposal
- Assure complete and active assistance and maintain careful attention to the client
- Assist TTR during negotiation with the client
- Provide local project management after award of order including but not limited to :
- Project management activities like organization of meetings locally and abroad, assistance in clarification of interfaces to the scope of supply and administrative issues such as custom duties, local authorization.
- Translation of official documents related to the project
- Provision of office spare TTR team
- Assist TTR when submitting invoices and documents to the client
Supervision of execution of track renewal operation (200 Km track renewal)
Client: ERN
Description of actual services provided by our staff within the assignment:
- Technical assistance to ENR:
- Approval of project settlement of the contractor
- Approval of logistic concept and suppliers
- Approval of time schedule
- Acceptance of working methods and concepts
- Control and acceptance of working equipment and machineries
- Approval of contractor reports
- Supervision during works
- Safety of works
- Control of quality standards
- Approval of orders
- Control of speed restrictions
- Deviations from drawings
- Quality control of materials
- Track laying method and compacting methods
- Respecting of welding standards
Preliminary engineering design and preparation of bid documents Heliopolis Tram upgrading & extension
Client: WB/ GOPP
The project first phase was to renew and upgrade the existing tram system from Koleyet el Banat to the New Government area in Nasr City into a totally segregated track system, super tram, of total length of 18km.
In the second phase the super tram will cross the ring road into New Cairo City with circular line, with length 28 km.
HTM / Menarail are currently preparing the design and tender documents which will be internationally tendered before the end of 2013, a separate tender in a PPP form will be out under supervision of World Bank for the operation, management and maintenance of the trains. Financed by the World Bank
- Inception report
- Design options & patronage estimates
- Track alignment design and energy supply
- Tram station preliminary design
- Maintenance depot location and preliminary design
- Tram rolling stock and supporting systems
- Preliminary design of intersections requiring special treatment
- Associated street and traffic management improvement
- Consolidated preliminary engineering, cost estimates and environment impact review
- Patronage, revenue, subsidy estimates and update of ERR and EIRR
- Prepare bidding documents
- Final preliminary engineering design & bidding
Nile River Bus Ferry Project PPP - Pre- Feasibility Study
Client: EBRD / Ministry of Finance / CTA
The objective of the project is to improve the provision of river bus services and to expand the scope of river transport on the Nile to residents of GC. This will be accomplished using a PPP structure to leverage private financing and operational knowhow in this potentially strategic mode of transport for GC residents. River transport fits well within an overall strategy to realise sustainable urban transport in the city.
The Consultant will focus analysis on the following:
- Assess the merits and basic business case for expanding the current system of piers as a network and determine a ridership demand forecast within tolerable levels acceptable for a PFS.
- New pier network location.
- Support the project in the field.
- Maintain contact and liaise with the Ministry of Finance and the CTA
- Collect data, reports and information from the stakeholders.
- Scope the likely CAPEX and OPEX costs of a high quality river bus investment capable of meeting forecast demands in GC.
- Analyze project barriers and risks, such as expropriation, environmental issues and/or construction
- Peculiarities for the extension of the ferry pier network.
- Prepare a preliminary economic appraisal and basic Value for Money ( VfM ) assessment of the PPP
- Approach to inform the decision making of the authorities concerning further project preparation.
- Define further studies and implementation planning required to prepare the project to meet both local and IFI requirements to mobilize financing under a PPP structure.
- Expected timeline for preparation, PPP tendering and project delivery.
CTA Bus Investment Pre-Investment Technical Due Diligence and Project Definition
Client: EBRD / CTA
The objective of the project is to improve the quality, efficiency and management organization of the CTA, by means of a model garage approach. This should lead to a more attractive service for users, while at the same time establishing an improved and more efficiency means of managing operational and management performance at the level of each CTA garage. Whilst modernization has been attempted previously through pilot schemes to demonstrate best practice and high quality exemplars, their success has been limited by the partial impact on both users and the organization itself.
By converting an entire garage to modern, comfortable vehicles, by greatly improving facilities and
maintenance and through an overhaul of administration and organisational responsibilities and reporting
lines, it is intended to produce a step change in quality which will be readily noticed by both users of the
public transport system and by non-users, who will, accordingly, be tempted to change their mode of
transport. At the same time, it is intended to improve radically the level of emissions from buses, and
thus contribute to the serious air quality issues experienced in the Greater Cairo area.
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
- Prepare the Model Garage Concept
- Selection of buses to be replaced
- Analyze the choice of bus type and fuel source (CNG versus diesel engines)
- Design requirement of the units
- Review of cost estimates of the new units taking into consideration fuel type, design features
- Review the draft set of technical specifications prepared already by the CTA and the Governorate
- Analysis of the usable life of the new bus fleet
- Analysis of the need for additional fueling stations for CNG units
The evaluation of technical and financial proposal presented by bidder who acquired the TOR documents
Client: EBRD
The evaluation of technical and financial proposal presented by bidder who acquired the TOR documents for the management, Exploitation, Operation and Maintenance of the commercial Malls in Metropolitan Stations (Excluding the activities directly related to the operation of trains ) / Ramsis – Seedy Gaber Line
Shah Habschan Ruwais Railway Transport, Stage Zero
Client: Emirates Link Group
Union Railway will develop the freight and passenger railway network within the United Arab Emirates which will be a part of the proposed Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) railway network linking the six countries of the GCC – namely the State of Kuwait, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the State of Qatar, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and the Sultanate of Oman.
The railway alignment provides a full line speed of 200km/h for passenger and 120km/h for freight with long straights and large radii curves.
The main line railway (outside of railway yards and facilities) has numerous grade separated crossings which will be developed in coordination with local authorities, landowners and/or road users.
The first stage of the UAE Railway Project is Stage 0, referred to as the Shah Habshan Ruwais Section which runs from Ruwais to Shah via Habshan. This Invitation to Prequalify refers solely to the works for the SHR to allow operation of freight trains between the sulphur loading facilities at Habshan and Shah and the unloading facility at Ruwais, and prepare for the future expansion of the network to freight and passenger services.
Menarail scope of work was a transport advisor in cooperation with Harsco & HOCHTIEF
Consultancy service for execution of track renewal operation (200 Km Track Renewal Task B)
Client: ENR
Consultancy services for the execution of a 200 Km track renewal operation (Task B) financed by ENR.
Description of actual services provided by our staff within the assignment:
- Assistance to ENR for the preparation and the negotiation of the track renewal project
- Assistance to ENR in the process of prequalification of bidders
- Assistance to ENR in the preparation of a bidders’ conference and in clarification of the bidding documents
- Assistance to ENR in the evaluation of the bids and contract award and finalization
Consultancy Service for Renewing Ibrahim El Lakkany Crossing
Client: Tecnico Contracting & Trade
Consultancy services for renewing Ibrahim El Lakany crossing using embedded rail system
Description of actual services provided by our staff within the assignment:
- Project design
- Project management & monitoring
Execution of a 200 km track renewal operation (Task A)
Client: ENR
Consulting services for the execution of a Track Renewal Operation for 200 Km. financed by Grant from the policy and Human resources development (PHRD) trust fund towards preparation costs of the Egyptian National Railways restructuring project (ENRRP) proposed for World Bank.
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
- Preparation of bidding documents for the works contract for the execution of the track renewal operation (200 km of track).
- Preparation of a pre-qualification document and assistance to Egyptian National Railway (ENR) in the process of pre-qualification of bidders.
- For the execution of the works contract, playing the role devoted to “the Engineer” in World Bank standard Bidding Documents (procurement of works) and in the general prescription of the international Federation of consulting Engineers (FIDIC)
Feasibility study for upgrading Ramleh Line
Client: APTA
Providing a complete feasibility study for the upgrading of Ramleh line as a procedure needed for ORET Dutch grant including the upgrading of infrastructure introducing a proto type and purchasing and maintain Rolling stocks with a total cost for the study:
- The condition of the tracks of the Ramleh line tram system has been examined also the type of track and layout for each section of the network has been assessed
- Complete vision for renewing the stations and the workshops
- Training program for workers, drivers and employees
- Data gathering & alignment
- Passenger counting
- Counting number of cars on crossings
- Logistics of the project
- Facilitation of work with client producing reports on current infrastructure
- Preparing reports and maps of current situation including workshops and introducing new rolling stock
- Studying possibility of signaling system
Pilot project in Alexandria
Client: APTA
Executing a pilot project in 2003 on Ramleh line in Alexandria through PSOM Dutch grant Including the following:
- Renewing 800 m CWT ballasted track
- Introducing embedded rail system in 2 level crossings (Ibrahim Mosque and Hassan Rasem) for the first time in Egypt
- Constructing 2 manual control switches
The Project was focused on the introduction of a Modern Light Rail in Egypt by:
- Introducing modern Dutch rail infrastructure technology in Alexandria by upgrading a part of the Ramleh Line by executing a pilot project
- Introducing traffic management in Alexandria in relation with the Pilot Project
- Producing decision documents to establish a joint operating company to execute the modernization and extension of the Alexandria Light rail system, and to operate and maintain the new system
Specific executed tasks:
- Training in the field of project management and computerized engineering of rail infrastructure
- Studying crossing renewal to avoid noise and vibration
- Studying renewal of the control switches
- Studying possibility of signaling system
- Data gathering & alignment
- Passenger counting
- Counting number of cars on crossings
- Logistics of the project
- Facilitation of work with client producing reports on current infrastructure
- Passenger counting
- Counting number of cars on crossings
- Logistics of the project
- Facilitation of work with client producing reports on current infrastructure
- Preparing reports and maps of current situation including workshops and introducing new rolling stock
- Studying possibility of signaling system
Preliminary upgrading study for the Ramleh line
Client: APTA
Preliminary study for the upgrading of Ramleh line and city line trams in Alexandria through PESP Dutch grant.
The reports were presented to the governor of Alexandria about the feasibility study of upgrading the operation, the infrastructure and the priority on crossings
- Data gathering & alignment
- Passenger counting
- Counting number of cars on crossings
- Logistics of the project
- Facilitation of work with client producing reports on current infrastructure
- Preparing reports and maps of current situation including workshops and introducing new rolling stock
- Studying possibility of signaling system
Study for Ain Shams – 10th of Ramadan project
Client: ENR
- Feasibility study for line Ain Shams – 10th of Ramadan project
- A presentation was made at March 2001 to the Minister of Transport clarifying the final result of study which explained that the first project is feasible
- Other steps in 2002 were taken to construct a consortium and signing MOU with Egyptian National Railways (ENR) to form a PPP joint venture to construct, operate and maintain the line10th of Ramadan
In 2006 update was made for the study with the partners Egyptian National Railways (Egypt), Kader Factory / Semaf (Egypt), Günsayil (Turkey), Tecnico (Egypt), MENARAIL (The Netherlands/ Egypt). The update included a preparation for the feasibility report, business plan (including investment plan) and a financial model for the expected Ain Shams – 10th of Ramadan project
- Assisting legal and financial consultant in preparing their financial model and changes in laws needed to facilitate investment by the private sector in the project
- Data gathering & alignment
- Passenger counting
- Counting number of cars on crossings
- Logistics of the project
- Facilitation of work with client producing reports on current infrastructure
- Situation and maps of tracks reports on workshops and suggesting needed qualifications for new rolling stock
- Studying possibility of signaling system
Study for Alexandria – Borg El Arab project
Client: ENR
- Feasibility study for line Alexandria – Borg El Arab project
- A presentation was made in March 2001 to the Minister of Transport clarifying the final result of study which explained that the first project is feasible
- Other steps in 2002 were taken to construct a consortium and signing MOU with Egyptian National Railways (ENR) to form a PPP joint venture to construct, operate and maintain the line Alexandria – Borg El Arab
- Assisting legal and financial consultant in preparing their financial model and changes in laws needed to facilitate investment by the private sector in the project
- Data gathering & alignment
- Passenger counting
- Counting number of cars on crossings
- Logistics of the project
- Facilitation of work with client producing reports on current infrastructure
- Situation and maps of tracks reports on workshops and suggesting needed qualifications for new rolling stock
- Studying possibility of signaling system
Alexandria Metro – Lender’s Independent Environment, Social and Technical Monitor
Project Name: Alexandria Metro – Lender’s Independent Environment, Social and Technical Monitor Project Description Upgrade and electrification of the existing rail line connecting downtown Alexandria and north-eastern town Abou Qir (“Abou Qir line”) into a high-capacity metro system, designed to be a continuous, electrified railway system with a total length of about 22 km and characterised by a high capacity, high commercial speed, and a high acceleration rate. The Project aims to enhance the sustainability, safety and improve efficiency of the urban transport system, facilitate a shift from individual to sustainable, accessible and inclusive modes of public transport; and accelerate urban development and economic expansion of Greater Alexandria area.
Client · The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) · National Authority for Tunnels (NAT)
· Egyptian National Railways (ENR)
Timeline March 2023 – Ongoing MENA Rail Role · Monitor the implementation of the project, tender evaluation, and contract awards. · Compliance with the covenants of the project financing documents and report the progress to the lenders EBRD
· Reviewing and monitoring the first stage tender evaluation process and its outcome.
Business Hours
Tel: (202) 2290 3782
- Sunday-Thursday: 9am to 5pm